Saturday, March 12, 2016

What is Love?

What is love?

This blog is simple. I treat it like a diary. I have no idea how to add cool fonts or posh back grounds. I don't have sponsors or ads (though I probably should, this is good stuff most of the time). Recently, I have found in light of some really joyful news from friends and some heartbreaking news from those I hold close, we always talk about love. 
"I love him"
"I love that"
"I just love her to death"
"Don't you LOVE it"?

It made me ponder.

Why do we throw the word "love" around, but we gasp at using the word "hate"? They are both extreme expressions of emotion. One is good, one is bad. One is tossed around like a rag doll in a toddler crib, the other is treated like a turkey hot of the oven on Thanksgiving day.  So I thought, what is love?

I can tell you what love is, in my minor opinion.

Love is sacrifice.
Giving up what you want for another.
 Giving your time as a sign of respect and kindness. Without words saying, "I know you have needs too, take your time and I will take care of everything else". 
Forever giving up any chance of having a 6-pack, and in return a belly scarred with stretch marks. And doing it again, and again, and again..
Staring at that last delicious piece of cake on your plate with your mouth watering, but instead getting just as much delight is watching that child's eyes light up and hearing their soft, "mmmmmmmm".
Paying for tuition instead of a fabulous vacation. 
Missing out of a few extra hours of sleep even though you have been up since five o'clock in the morning to stay on the phone with your best friend, who's world has shattered into  a million pieces.
Staying a few hours late so that everything is taken care of. At work, at school, at church, at your friend's party washing get the point.

Love is saying "no".
No. I am not letting you drive tonight.
No. You don't look like a sack of potatoes with bullet holes in your butt cheeks in that dress which is too bright and too tight.
No, you probably shouldn't wear that.
No. I am not leaving. Not now and not anytime soon. I will stay as long as you need me.
No. I am not going to let you give up. You've got this!
No. I don't want them to suffer any longer. 

Love is saying "yes"
Yes. I will take the garbage out. (yes now, not in 2 hours after I binge on 'House of Cards').
Yes. I think that is "the" dress.
Yes, you can have it.
Yes. We'll take it.
Yes. You can dump out that bag of blocks...and that box of leggos...and all of your Barbies. We have all day to clean it up later.
Do I promise to love this person for the rest of my life? God as my witness?
Yes. I do.

Love is staying up all night.
(not always for that, you pervs)
Staying up all night because you are excited.
Staying up all night because you are worried.
Staying up all night because you are heartbroken.
Staying up all night laughing until you cry with your loved ones and OD'ing on a box of Oreos (am I alone on that one?)
Staying up all night terrified she is going to stop breathing..or turn on her side weird, or cry (again).
Staying up all night driving to get there.
Staying up all night because you literally can't stop watching this stupid freaking show, because love doesn't always have to be serious.
Staying up all night holding his hand for the last time.  Remembering his face. Listening to him breathing. Because sometimes love is serious.

Love is real.
Love is greater than hate.
Love is a miracle.
Love is more painful than childbirth (without the epidural).
Love is all the feels.

here are a few things and people (and animals) I love

 My parent's wedding bands- inscribed "1-17-70".

Petey and I after his first and my third half-marathon
(love is beating your time).

My parents and Petey and I at a friend's wedding.

My big fluffy retard, Roxy (oodle-doodle-poodle-schmoodle).


Daddy and I while I pinned his rose on my wedding day.

Roslyn passed out at daycare.

Me and my Mr. Marshalluffagus (my sweet nephew). We're in love.

My brother David, My Sister (in law) Whitney, Petey and our babes on Thanksgiving in Miami.

My loves. Every. Single. Day. For, like, ever.